Improve Domain Authority

Unveil the magic of strategic backlinks and watch your search rankings soar!

The Secret to Search Engine Rankings

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority (DA) is like your website’s digital reputation score. Just as you trust a friend’s recommendation, search engines trust high DA websites. It’s a number from 0 to 100 that shows how trustworthy and important your site is online.

Why aim for a high DA? 🚀

Well, imagine it’s a VIP pass to the top of search results! 🎉 With a high DA, your website gets noticed by more people, brings in more visitors, and becomes a go-to source in your field. So, when your DA is soaring, you’re not just a website – you’re a respected authority that everyone wants to visit! ✨

This is what Wikipedia says about Domain Authority…

  • Domain Authority scores between 40 and 50 are considered above average.
  • Domain Authority between 50 and 60 is rated as good.
  • Scores above 60 are considered excellent.

Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc have a DA of 100, currently the BBC has a DA of 95.

If you want to check your websites Domain Authority try this link Free Domain Authority Checker by Moz: Check the DA of any site.

Chances are - you're one of these entities below

Who Benefits from Domain Authority?

SEO-optimised copy for websites and blogs isn’t just a fancy buzzword; it’s a game-changer. Here’s why:

  • Businesses

    Whether you're a budding startup or an established enterprise, a robust online presence is non-negotiable. A high DA can mean the difference between obscurity and brand dominance. It's your ticket to attracting more leads, boosting conversions, and expanding your customer base.

  • Bloggers & Content Creators

    Crafting compelling content is just one part of the equation. To ensure your masterpiece reaches its intended audience, a high DA is imperative. Watch your blog posts and articles flourish as they rank higher in search results, drawing in engaged readers and followers.

  • E-commerce Enthusiasts

    Running an online store? Your products deserve the spotlight! A strong DA can catapult your e-commerce platform to the forefront of search queries, driving organic traffic and turning casual browsers into loyal customers.

  • SEO Afficionados

    If you're passionate about search engine optimization, DA is your playground. Elevate your skills by mastering the art of DA enhancement, and become a wizard at manipulating search rankings in your favor.

Elevate Your Online Presence with DA Mastery

Are you ready to take your website's visibility to new heights? Unlock the power of Domain Authority (DA) and watch your SEO efforts soar like never before! In the digital realm, where competition is fierce and online recognition is paramount, understanding the significance of DA is your secret weapon to conquering search engine rankings.

Why Does Domain Authority Matter?

Picture this: search engines like Google have a vast expanse of websites at their fingertips. How do they decide which ones deserve a prime spot on the coveted first page of search results? The answer lies in Domain Authority – a crucial metric that gauges the credibility and trustworthiness of your website. A high DA score (ranging from 0 to 100) acts as a virtual endorsement from search engines, indicating that your content is authoritative, relevant, and valuable.

Find out how Domain Authority can boost your website

The Benefits Await You!

  • Top SEO Rankings

    Climbing the ladder of search engine results becomes a reality as your high DA sends positive signals to algorithms, boosting your chances of claiming a top spot.

  • Increased Organic Traffic

    More eyeballs on your website mean more opportunities for engagement, conversions, and ultimately, revenue growth.

  • Enhanced Credibility

    A strong DA isn't just about numbers – it's about establishing yourself as an authority in your niche, fostering trust among users, and reaping the rewards of a sterling reputation.

  • Expert Insights

    Our domain experts have decoded the DA puzzle and are ready to guide you through proven strategies that lead to DA enhancement, giving you an edge in the competitive digital landscape.

🚀 Ignite your journey towards SEO excellence with the power of Domain Authority! 🚀

Join us now and witness firsthand the transformation of your website into a formidable online asset. Don’t miss out on the boundless opportunities that a high DA brings. Your website deserves to shine among the stars – and we’re here to make it happen.

From Our Valued Clients


We started our AI blog in February 2023 and after talking with the COPYWRITINGIS team we agreed to let them attempt to build our DA score. After 3 months we have a score of MOZ DA Score of 49…our other websites have been going for several years with a DA score nowhere near this. We are also on page 1 of Google for our main keyword. Excellent service and value for money, we do nothing and gain all the benefits of a high DA website.


AI Tools Review Website created on 30 January 2023. Website created on 14 June 2023.

In June 2023, we launched our new visa website, and following discussions with the COPYWRITINGIS team, we entrusted them with the task of enhancing our Domain Authority (DA) score. Remarkably, now at the time of writing, 2nd November 2023, our site has achieved an impressive MOZ DA Score of 55. This achievement stands out, especially when compared to our other websites, which have been in existence for several years but have not come close to such a high DA score. 

Additionally, the COPYWRITINGIS team is responsible for crafting all our blog articles. Their expertise in SEO optimised content creation has significantly contributed to our success in Google search results, where we currently occupy a number of prominent positions for some competitive keywords.  This achievement underscores the outstanding service and remarkable value for money that COPYWRITINGIS provides. What sets this apart is that we've had to invest minimal effort ourselves, yet we enjoy all the benefits of having a high DA website. 

Lesley Tao

Self Sponsored Visa UK

£ 300 / 3 Months
Get a Domain Authority of 40-70 in just 3 months! This DA Ranking Improvement Service is best suited to websites that are new, low performing and/or have low traffic or reputation with Google and other search engines.


What About The Cost?

Want a DR boost to the dazzling heights of 40-70 DA? For a mere £300, we’ve got you. That’s just £100 a month for 3 months – basically, we’re practically giving it away!

Now, if your website is fresh out of the oven, feeling a bit under the weather, or just not the popular kid in Google’s playground, our DA Ranking Improvement Service is your ticket to the cool table.” 😉

Your Partner in Digital Success

Unleashing 10 + Years of SEO Mastery!

Step into a realm where digital dreams come true! With an illustrious 10+ year journey, we stand tall as a premier digital marketing force. Our crack team of experts has honed the art of On-Page, Off-Page, Technical, and Local SEO to perfection. Numbers don’t lie: we’ve sculpted success stories for countless clients, amplifying their organic traffic and search throne. Google’s algorithms hold no secrets for us, and we navigate website optimization intricacies with finesse. Today is the day to seize the reins of your online destiny! Let’s unveil the magic of strategic backlinks and watch your Domain Authority and search rankings ascend beyond imagination. Contact us now and embark on an SEO journey that redefines possibility.

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